Video: How to Make Sure Facebook Doesn't Use Your Location to Find Friends

Gil C/

Have you noticed your "suggested friends" list on Facebook looks a little too familiar? The social network has been accused of using your phone's location to connect you with new friends. While this might be a useful feature for some, others might find it a gross invasion of privacy when they're prompted to friend their creepy neighbor.

How to prevent this? Limit or end location sharing to the Facebook app on your smartphone.

On Android devices, go to "settings," then "applications" and check out the permissions on your Facebook app and click "disable location."

For iPhone users, go to the "privacy options" in the "settings" menu and then check out "location services." From there, you can choose from several levels of location access to give to Facebook.

For any smartphone, users can always delete the app altogether and use the web version of the social network in Chrome.

To learn more, check out the video below from CNET